Project Details
When: 2013
Where: Lagos, Nigeria
Schools: Food & Hygiene safety
Project Description
At the end of 2013 MeduProf-S delivered a train the trainer course in Hygiene Awareness in Lagos, Nigeria. Participants came from six small medical clinics in town. The training was organised by Small World Nigeria. Participants were first trained in a train the trainer program to become a trainer in Hygiene Awareness for their own facility. After that the expert visited all clinics and coached the local trainers to deliver the first in-house training.
Participants and management were impressed by the possibility to check the quality of hand-hygiene and cleaning of floors and equipment with an UV lamp. They all appreciated the training very much. A Small World representative wrote: You have absolutely sent us the right trainer. The clinics were rather diverse, but our expert always found an approach fit for the specific situation.
Video produced by the participants: