Together with our partners Kokon Architects, DAI and Zamani, MeduProf-S finalized a feasibility study for…
BNR radio, The Netherlands about exporting Healthcare
On Saturday June 16, BNR Radio, The Netherlands, broadcasted an item about the opportunities for export of Healthcare from the Netherlands. In this radio program Peter Post (Task Force Haelthcare), Willem van Prooijen (MeduProf-S) and Jaap Maljers (Healthcare entrepreneur) discussed the opportunities. Jaap Maljers concentrated on treatment of patients in the Nethherlands, while Peter Post and Willem van Prooijen defined export as “export of knowledge, expertise and equipment” to the 2nd and 3rd world. China, Russia and India are in the field of medical equipment interesting countries, following Peter Post The need of well trained staff in combination with equipment and service is enormous worldwide. Willem stated: “Sixteen years experience learnt that the highly qualified health workers and unique Dutch training methods in combination with high quality equipment and service is a strong selling point of the Dutch industry”.