Together with our partners Kokon Architects, DAI and Zamani, MeduProf-S finalized a feasibility study for…
Immediate Cardic Life Support training conducted Saba
From April 15th until April 19th MeduProf-S experts Ruben Verlangen and Erik van Roon were on Saba. In this week they have trained both nurses and doctors of the E.M Edwards Medical Centre in Emergency Care. Main topics this week were the recognition of the deteriorating patient and prevention of cardiorespiratory arrest.
If an arrest is not prevented how to start en proceed into advanced life support; this includes airway management, recognition of cardiac arrest rhythms, defibrillation and the use of specific drugs. Also lectured and practiced were the etiologies of cardiorespiratory arrest characteristics of children and newborn. It was a very intense and learningfull week for all the participants!