Together with our partners Kokon Architects, DAI and Zamani, MeduProf-S finalized a feasibility study for…
Casualty Care Nursing Course in Kenya
The 3rd Casualty Care Course was conducted by Willem Grool, a MeduProf-S expert, and 2 local teachers – Faith Njeru and Maurice W. Ogotti. The 10 participants of this course arrived at Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) on Monday 13th September for the week long course.
Students initially expressed their concern about ‘knowing how to use equipment we don’t have’. The week continued with the participants being taught about Casualty Care with the stress being made that it isn’t about equipment but that saving lives is all about using skills.
Every morning an interactive evaluation of the previous day was done with one of the participants doing a recap and the rest of the group asking questions.
Part of Wednesday morning was used to visit the emergency department of Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH). This was a very impressive visit.
Lectures were presented in the morning and included circulation, perfusion, CPR and burns with afternoons being used to train practical skills in the Nursing Skills Lab.
On Friday the final assessment was done with some interesting scenario’s being presented. All of the students were able to show that they were able to assess a severely injured casualty case which included medical skills and communication skills being shown.