Together with our partners Kokon Architects, DAI and Zamani, MeduProf-S finalized a feasibility study for…
Hospital Management Training – Module 6
From 6-10 September 2010, Module 6 of the Hospital management Training in Kenya was conducted by Marc van Heijst.
The first days the module concentrated on Primary Healthcare, planning and monitoring; subsequently there were lectures and group discussions about financial management. Guest lecturer Dr Bill Martin Osumba, MPH gave a presentation, named Kenya Quality Management for Health.
During the week there was a lot of interaction between the lecturer and the class. The students discussed about mission, vision, SWOT analysis (including presenting group results), the Demming circle and were confronted with valuable instruments to cope with financial information in hospitals.
Some final comments of the students:
“a very helpful course for me in my area of administration”
“the skills acquired will be helpful in our working areas”
”I feel better; I hope when I got back on duty I will put this into use by planning financially and how to make strategic plans”
The facilitator himself learned a lot about actual practice in hospitals in Kenya.