Together with our partners Kokon Architects, DAI and Zamani, MeduProf-S finalized a feasibility study for…
e-Learning Workshop at KMTC in Nairobi, Kenya
From 4-8 July the final e-Learning workshop was conducted at Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) in Nairobi. The overall objective was to set up the e-Learning content for the current curriculla of the Medical Imaging Sciences, Nursing and Medical Engineering Departments. With the support of Mr. Rob Doms from MeduProf-S, eight teachers from these departments took part in the workshop and succeeded in achieving this goal.
Before enabling e-Learning, Meduprof-S conducted curriculum development training for the Medical Imaging Sciences, Nursing and Medical Engineering Departments. The improved curriculum development skills were put into practice during the e-Learning workshop.
In the long term, e-Learning will help KMTC economise on scarce facilities and improve student support and learning whilst the students are conducting their practical training outside KMTC in the rural hospitals and clinics. With e-Learning, students can take part in distance learning guided at their own pace by their teachers; students can also interact with each other and the teacher whilst not being in a classroom together.
The first students to use the e-Learning facility will start during the next semester. Following this the departments involved in the workshop will present a plan to disseminate e-Learning to other departments.
Whilst internet bandwidth is still a problem in Kenya, it is expected that capacity will soon improve as the use of internet is rapidly growing and thus creating business opportunities for Internet Service Providers.