Together with our partners Kokon Architects, DAI and Zamani, MeduProf-S finalized a feasibility study for…
Equipment Use and Radiography Refresher Course for Radiographers in Kenya
To support the installation of new x-ray equipment in Kenyan hospitals under the ORET project, the second of two ‘Equipment Use and Refresher Courses for Radiographers’ was conducted in Machakos from 13-17 February by Julie Armstrong at the Machakos Level 5 Hospital.
Fifteen participants from all over Kenya took part in the course which included a lecture program during the morning sessions which incorporated interactive refresher lectures on equipment, radiographic technique, anatomy and physiology, the image recording system, image quality, secondary radiation grids, the ALARA Principle, exposure factors and film evaluation. The afternoon sessions were all practically oriented and included equipment use, practical assignments and quality assurance assignments.
The week was concluded with a presentation of radiation protection posters by the course participants and the presentation of Certificates of Attendance.