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Final course for General Nurses delivered in Alexandria

3a2a1aFrom 19 – 25 Sept 2014 MeduProf S lecturer Olaf van Oosterhout travelled to Egypt Alexandria to conduct the second week of the General Nursing course for the third group. The 8 paricipants tot his course will soon start to work in the re furbished hospital in Alexandria. In 2 modules the program covered the ABCDE method and the CPR training. Teaching methods used were lectures and practising in the classroom.

The 8 participants are now trained to apply the ABCDE method in their work.

Topics covered in these 2 course modules are the A (airway) and B (breathing),

C  (Circulation), D (Disability)  and E (Exposure)

Primary and secundary survey, orientation, planning, treatment giving and evaluation.

Manekins were used to practice all related skills. The well motivated participants enjoyed these sessions very much.

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