80 courses of 2 weeks in 8 months From March till October 2023 MeduProf-S offers…
Finale module “Management A&E/ICU” conducted in Ghana
From 4 – 8 February Meduprof-s lecturer Frans Baljeu travelled to Ghana to conduct the last module of four of Management A&E/ICU. During this module the participants worked on an operational plan for their ward, with a focus on how to implement, monitor and evaluate their plan. The participants in this group are operational managers and senior nurses. After completing the 4 modules they now have the knowledge and skills to manage their wards and they have acquired the tools to improve patient-quality and safety.
At the beginning of March they will present their first experiences in implementing the operational changes on their wards to the managers of the hospital. This will be planned during the last training session for the management to be conducted by Mr. Everard van Kemenade.