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First Mammography training for the Kenya ORET program

From 20-24 June the first training on Mammography was conducted by Machteld ‘t Jong in the government hospital in Machakos. The new Philips Mammo-diagnost had been recently installed. Fourteen (14) female radiographers participated in this training. Although most of them never had been exposed to mammography before they were very interested and motivated.
In the morning we discussed some theory about positioning, anatomy, pathology and looked at a lot of case studies. After the morning break we worked in 2 groups, one group discussing theory and the other group spending time with patients (hands-on). These sessions were all practically oriented and included equipment use and some quality assurance. In the afternoon we changed the groups.

Friday after lunch the presentation of Certificates of Attendance was done by the radiologist of the hospital, Dr. Andrew Kigo.

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