Together with our partners Kokon Architects, DAI and Zamani, MeduProf-S finalized a feasibility study for…
MeduProf-S conducted second Accident and Emergency course in Ghana
From 12 – 16 December MeduProf-S lecturer Olaf van Oosterhout travelled to Ghana to conduct the second Accident & Emergency (A&E) module. This was done in cooperation with one of the consulting anesthesiologists from the hospital, dr. Anabah. The second module was like the first module in October a combination of lecturing and practising in the classroom and teaching on the job. The participants are trained to become trainers at their own ward, the train the trainer principle. To achieve this objective the participants were taught didactical skills as well as in-depth knowledge on Accident & Emergency. During the next 4 modules of the Accident & Emergency program the participants will become more and more competent, so that at the end of the day, when the project is finished the hospital has competent teachers in Accident & Emergency. The same five participants participated in Module 2 and were very enthusiastic and dedicated.
The topics covered in Module 2 were: again the ABCDE-method, primary and secondary survey, orientation, planning, treatment and evaluation. Lectures were given about shock, chest wounds, how to use a defibrillator, PHTLS in relationship with injuries that can be expected at an A & E and how to read rhythm on a monitor. Basic Life Support (BLS) was also lectured in theory and practiced during the hands-on sessions. Everyday there were bed-side training sessions at the A & E department.