Together with our partners Kokon Architects, DAI and Zamani, MeduProf-S finalized a feasibility study for…
Module 3: Medical Engineering
From October 18 – 22 Roel de Wilde, a MeduProf-s expert in Biomedical Engineering, continued the training for the 12 Medical Engineers under the ORET project in Kenya. The topic for Module 3 was Medical Imaging Systems. Every day theory was discussed in the morning and for three of the five days different venues for the hands-on sessions in the afternoon were used: the skills-lab of the Medical Imaging Sciences Department at KMTC and the brand new Kayole District Hospital.
In this hospital the Radiology Department was visited and the students were able to see and work with a brand new X-ray machine and CT scanner. The Medical Technology in this hospital was very impressive.
All students cooperated well in all the lessons. At the end of the module a written and oral evaluation took place. The students had a good to excellent feeling about the module and the teacher.They increased their knowledge and awareness of the necessity to specialize was felt; finally the motivation to share the new knowledge with their colleagues at home was expressed.
After the evaluation session Engineer Martin M.Owino, Head of Medical Engineering at MOMS, came to speak with the students. He was impressed about the content of the lessons and the cooperation of all the students.
One of the students Mr. Rama Fkuthu Mulewa expressed on behalf of the whole group the need to organise a Medical Engineers Society in Kenya. He also talked about the need for Medical Engineers to specialize on medical devices only.