Together with our partners Kokon Architects, DAI and Zamani, MeduProf-S finalized a feasibility study for…
Module 6 for Medical Engineers (Computed Tomography) in Kenya
From April 11 – 15 Roel de Wilde, a MeduProf-s expert in Biomedical Engineering, conducted Module 6 of the training for Medical Engineers under the ORET project in Kenya. There were 11 engineers present. The topic for Module 6 was Computed Tomography (CT).
The training took place at the Provincial Level 5 Hospital in Machakos which is a town that is situated 40 kms from the capital, Nairobi.
Every day theory was discussed in the morning and in the afternoon the CT scanner in the Radiology Department was visited for hands-on sessions.
In spite of electrical shut down everyday, that also caused the projector to shut down, the training went on smoothly. We simply used the hands-outs when there was no power.
On Friday all of the participants and the trainer evaluated the course positively.
The training was closed by Dr. Jones, on behalf of the Machakos Hospital and Engineer Martin M. Owino, the head of Medical Engineering in Kenya