Together with our partners Kokon Architects, DAI and Zamani, MeduProf-S finalized a feasibility study for…
New Hospital in Winneba, Ghana
Winneba, in the Central Region of Ghana hosts an old district hospital, in the middle of town. During the first months of 2011 a new hospital, in the vicinity of the Accra – Cape Coast Road, will be brought into service,. It will focus on the treatment of casualties resulting from car accidents that frequently occur on this road.
MeduProf-S will assist in the development of the staff, in order to provide superior quality, comprehensive medical services. Harmen Grebel visited Winneba in the first week of December to discuss the details of the training program and prepare the first training course. This will be a teacher exchange for 2 medical engineers and 2 staff members responsible for the infection control and waste management in the new hospital. This exchange (in January) will be followed by a full package of training in medical services, management and administration. The new hospital is being built in an ORET supported project by Enraf Nonius Projects