Together with our partners Kokon Architects, DAI and Zamani, MeduProf-S finalized a feasibility study for…
Emergency Medical Care course on Bonaire
During the week of November 29 to December 3, 2010, Willem Grool and Erik van Roon were on Bonaire. The purpose of the trip was the educational performance of the first week of the Emergency Medical Care course . This process continues until December 2012. The combination of ambulance drivers and nurses working on the ambulance, Accident & Emergency Department and Special Care challenges the teachers from Meduprof-S in corporation with the local trainers.
During this first week we focused on the methodical approach to all patients, namely using the hourglass model and the ABCDE method. The coming period will be used for the practice of the content which was preached during this first week. In conclusion: an intensive, exhausting but satisfying week for both participants and instructors.