80 courses of 2 weeks in 8 months From March till October 2023 MeduProf-S offers…
Obstetric Emergencies Module 2 taught in Ghana
Marina Smit, a lecturer midwifery at MeduProf-S, has returned from a successful training in Ghana. This was her second training week and just as successful as Module 1 in April. The participants were motivated and keen on learning something new. This time around the training was more concerned with professional, technical issues, including the use of modern equipment like the CTG and Doptone.
She noticed during the training week that the participant midwives, though quite capable of handling midwifery as such, suffer from the fact that some of them qualified up to 30 years ago. The MeduProf-S training gave them the opportunity to update their knowledge to the actual standards. The participants showed a very motivated attitude by preparing and searching also in the evening hours.
The CTG and Doptone equipment was new for them. They learnt to use it in the appropriate way. It is possible to hear a foetal heart from 16 weeks onwards with a fetal scope, but with the Doptone, they can hear the fetal heart from 12 weeks on. The midwifes will receive new CTG and Doptone equipment in the nearby future.