Together with our partners Kokon Architects, DAI and Zamani, MeduProf-S finalized a feasibility study for…
Obstetrics and Gynecology course conducted in Winneba, Ghana
In the week of 10th to 14th of March MeduProf-S expert Meike Akurgo- Beukema, expert in midwifery, provided the second refresher course in ‘Obstetrics and Gynecology’ at Winneba ‘Trauma and Specialist Hospital’ Ghana. The training is part of the ORET TA program for this hospital. During this week different topics were discussed, including monitoring of the fetus, communication, risk selection and Life Saving Skills. The 12 participants were active and ready to learn new things. Especially the training on the use of the cardiotocograph (CTG) was an eye opener. The CTG machine in the labour ward was put in operation during this week. After the training, the midwives and nurses were confident to use the machine and interpret the outcome of it.
All participants also got a change to practice their life saving skills, such as shoulderdystocia, breech delivery and resuscitation. They felt more confident after the week and even expressed the interest of organizing their own life saving skill workshops.
The week was successful; the knowledge the participants gained will make a difference for the pregnant woman, newborns and laboring mothers at the hospital.
This link was published in June 2013 by the Maternal Channel Ghana. It will give access to a documentary about Winneba ‘Trauma and Specialist Hospital’.