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Successful Hospitality “train the trainers program” on St. Maarten

From 17 February until 21 February 2014 MeduProf-S Nursing Expert Erik van Roon was on St Maarten to provide a train the trainer course for the White Yellow Cross Foundation’s Nursing Home and Revalidation Centre, St. Martin’s Home.
The first three days the focus was on “how to set objectives for an educational training/workshop/course”. The trainers learnt also how to select content, to design and conduct a program and finally evaluate it. This was done with four local trainers working 12in the Revalidation Centre of St. Martin’s Home, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist and two nurses. The general umbrella was hospitality management with special attention for social skills, communication, patient safety, providing and receiving feedback and last but not least reflection skills. The participants could show their learnt skills because the designed program was conducted on Thursday and Friday by these four trainers to their colleagues working on the Rehabilitation Ward. It focussed on content, emotion, rich sensitivity, creativity, constructive cooperation and repetition. The colleague’s response towards the program was very positive and made them aware of their hospitality skills towards the clients and their family, colleagues and all the staff members of St. Martin’s Home.
It is not only the service provided but the experience is what adds that extra…..

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