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October 6 University: Third group certified!
On 28th of March 2018 the Honourable Dutch Ambassador in Egypt, Mr Laurens Westhoff handed over 37 certificates for the by MeduProf-S led O6U – Fontys program on the School of Allied Health Sciences of October 6 University in 6 October City, Egypt. The certification ceremony with a delegation of Fontys University (Mrs. Marijke van Duuren and Mrs. Simone Egberts), MeduProf-S (Mr. Willem van Prooijen) took place in October 6 University. After short speeches from Dr. Hegazy, the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, the president of O6U, the Dutch ambassador and Willem van Prooijen on behalf of MeduProf-S and Fontys, the Ambassador handed over the certificates to the students.
The “Fontys” program is based on student centered teaching and problem based learning. This results in students with higher skills and better job opportunities. The students enrolled in this program will get the exclusive opportunity to visit extra courses in Fontys University, The Netherlands.
This program is unique because it is not subsidized by NGO’s or third parties. The students are paying some extra fee to enroll in the program, what creates ownership. The yearly budget is used to set up the extra activities and improve the quality. MeduProf-S/Fontys and O6U are working on reverse student exchange. In the future also Dutch students will get the opportunity to do (part of) a minor in Egypt.
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