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Operating Theatre training conducted for the second group of nurses in Alexandria Egypt

From 9 – 13 November 2014 Mrs. Marja Versantvoort delivered the first module of 2 on OT nursing training for general nurses in Alexandria. The main topics were hygiene and basic principles of the OT room. The group of general nurses are trained to become a circulating nurse in the OT.  In several workshops the participants could experience how devices work. They learned how to anticipate when something unusually happens with the devices. For example; how to prevent burning wounds by using electro surgery. 1

Through an interactive exercise the students were able to list 40 instruments by name, purpose and applicability. Lifetime learning is very important because surgery innovates very fast.  Students were trained how to use the Internet to continue learning and exploring after this course. Each student can now find the latest guidelines and operation videos.

In the second module of the training program for these nurses, they will be trained as scrub nurses. In this week we already made a start with the hand wash en hand scrub procedure. 3




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