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Social Entrepreneurship for the Healthcare Sector Conference – 12th May 2011
MeduProf-S and the Task Force Health Care (TFHC) in collaboration with the Health Insurance for the Poor (HIP) Platform invite you to attend the conference – ‘Social Entrepreneurship for the Healthcare Sector’ on Thursday 12th May at Fontys University of Applied Sciences.
The conference was initiated by MeduProf-S, to celebrate fifteen years in operation, and Taskforce Healthcare. Both companies believe that the political and public demand for corporate social responsibility has grown. Companies are expected to create a biological and sustainable value chain and to reinvest their profits in favour of the society.
At the same time the social organisations are expected to convert into business minded organisations. NGOs are expected to optimise their spending of subsidies, to work more efficiently and effectively and to establish development aid projects which are eventually self-sufficient.
Such critical comments are legitimate but above all they create a chance to bring both the private and the development aid sector closer to each other.
During the conference high-ranking guests from the government, industry and social sector will be present to discuss contemporary development aid topics.
More information about this ground-breaking conference see www.tfhc.nl.
Here you will find a detailed programme.
Sign up:
Click here to sign up for the conference. Costs for participation are € 95,- (excl. VAT) and € 55,- (excl. VAT) for partners of the TFHC and/or HIP.
Sign up before 14th of April and pay the “Early Bird” fee € 55,- (excl. VAT) and € 35,- (excl. VAT) for partners of the TFHC and/or HIP
In the meantime if you have any questions or comments please contact Maryanne Staal at m.staal@fontys.nl