80 courses of 2 weeks in 8 months From March till October 2023 MeduProf-S offers…
Trainings curriculum development and quality leadership in Ethiopia
From September 29th till October 3rd a training has been executed for representatives of three Ethiopian universities (Mekelle University, Arba Minch University and the Ethiopian Civil Service University). Pieter Bon (Fontys Creative Industries), Karin Verbaken (gender expert) and Everard van Kemenade (MeduProf-S) worked with the group on the improvement of the curriculum to make these more fit to the needs of the labour market.
From 6th till 9th of October a second training took place for managers of the same three universities on quality leadership. Everard van Kemenade led the group through the principles of leadership and change management, using the ACCRA © model. (Attention, Context, Commitment, Reflection an Action).
Both trainings were appreciated very much by the participants.