Together with our partners Kokon Architects, DAI and Zamani, MeduProf-S finalized a feasibility study for…
A&E Module 4 of 4 conducted in Alexandria/ Egypt from May 18 – 22
In four weeks (between January and May 2014) 5 well-motivated participants received in the hospital of Alexandria an in-depth training in Accident & Emergency topics for the new build Emergency Room.
These participants learned to skill themselves during interactive lectures in the ABCDE method. This will result in participants being able to assist the doctor in keeping the patient in a stable condition and to recognize early the change of the vital signs. Also participants are able to react on these changes.
These body-assessments are combined with clinical reasoning, vital signs, re-assessment and to the ABCDE method related topics.
A very modern and well- equipped Skills Lab gives these participants the possibility to train their skills on an adult- junior- baby manikin and an airway-manager.
In four weeks these participants passed through 3 knowledge tests (60 true/false questions) and a practical exam (3 stations: CPR, back valve mask ventilation and an ABCDE assessment). All these participants convinced the teacher by showing their skills that they can apply their new knowledge.