Together with our partners Kokon Architects, DAI and Zamani, MeduProf-S finalized a feasibility study for…
Casualty Care Course 5, September 05 – 09
Mrs. Tineke Sportel, a MeduProf-S expert and 2 local teachers conducted the 5th Casualty Care course at KMTC in Nairobi.
The local trainers were Robert Makori and Jane Achola.
All 9 participants to this course presented at KMTC on Monday morning.
The local trainers showed good improvisation skills during the lectures. The participants received practical lessons with lots of enthusiasm. They learned about ABCD assessment in acute patients, airway management, ventilation and cervical spine immobilization. Basic Life Support in adults, children and in new-borns by showing first and than practicing themselves. Only three of the participants had ever received CPR training in their hospital, the other six hardly were familiar with these procedures. Also showing them how to use specific devices in emergency procedures helped them to understand.
On Tuesday a tour on the emergency department of the Kenyatta National Hospital was part of the program. This was very helpful in understanding about how patients can be monitored and treated.
The participants were very motivated and in the end positive results were seen from the trainers efforts. Evaluation forms were filled out on Friday. The training was evaluated very well. Especially the practical skill station trainings were very much appreciated by all participants. They all said they had learned the most from these sessions.