Together with our partners Kokon Architects, DAI and Zamani, MeduProf-S finalized a feasibility study for…
Module 1 Ultrasound for Rift Valley Hospitals (Kenya ORET)
From September 12 – 16, 2011 the first Ultrasound module of 4 was conducted at Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) in Nairobi.
From the 7 hospitals that are part of the second phase of the ORET project 10 participants were present. In a very dedicated and enthusiastic way the 10 local teachers guided the 10 partcipants through the 1-week course. The module consisted of the following topics: Basic US Physics, Artefacts, Anatomy of abdominal vessels, liver anatomy, anatomy of gallbladder and pancreas, obstetrical US in the normal 1st, 2nd and 3rth trimester. After discussing these topics in theory the students were taken to the skillslab to practise this in “hands-on” sessions.
Teaching methods used were: lectures, video-sessions, group work and group presentations in the classroom whereby the interaction between participants and teachers was of a high and energetic level.
The small skills-lab for hands-on sessions is equipped with 2 Ultrasound machines. One of these machines is the model that is delivered under the project. In this way participants are given the opportunity to learn and practise on the machine they will eventually receive in their own hospital.
The module ended with a written exam consisting of 70 MCQ questions.