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MeduProf-S appears in The Standard Newspaper in Nairobi

On Thursday 28th November this newspaper article appeared in The Standard Newspaper in Nairobi:
“Hospital Management Conference (SIMED ORET Project)
The Government of Kenya and the Kingdom of the Netherlands are financing the implementation of the “23 Hospitals Strengthening” ORET project. The project entails rehabilitation/renovation, equipment supply and training (TA) and is executed by the Dutch company Simed International. The training component involves training of health workers on Casualty Care Nursing, Ultrasound, X-ray, Medical Engineering, Hospital Waste Management and Hospital Management. MeduProf-S, a capacity-building company based in Eindhoven The Netherlands, is implementing the training component of this project. Since the beginning of the project in 2009, 26 hospital managers have been trained in 7 modules to provide them with essential knowledge and skills to effectively and efficiently manage public hospitals.

Conference and Diploma Presentations
To complete the Hospital Management Training a conference was organised at Kenya Medical Training College; the theme was the Sustainable Improvement of Health Care Services and the Role of Managers in Hospitals to ensure that Sustainability.

During the course each particpant was required to complete a case study; the 3 best case studies were presented at the Conference and were used as a base for discussion and sharing of thoughts.
Furthermore the participants were officially awarded with their diplomas.

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