80 courses of 2 weeks in 8 months From March till October 2023 MeduProf-S offers…
RASCO Conference 8-10 October
From October 8–10 the Society of Radiographers in Kenya (SORK) organised the 4th Radiographers Scientific Conference (RASCO) for Radiographers, Radiologists, Physicists, Radiation Oncologists, Health Workers and Environmentalists. The venue was in the great Rift Valley at Lake Elementaita Lodge; a stunning and beautiful environment. The theme of the conference was : ‘Radiography: Clinical and Environmental Safety’.
The Dustbin Story and ORET
Apart from Kenya, there were delegates present from South Africa, Sudan, Rwanda and Uganda. Willem van Prooijen and Wilma de Groot from MeduProf-S represented The Netherlands. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday presentations were delivered by various speakers. Willem van Prooijen introduced MeduProf-S during his talk with the second half of his presentation being called ‘The Dustbin Story’ where he led the audience through a variety of pictures of dustbin’s for Hospital Waste in Kenyan and other African hospitals, asking the question ‘what is wrong’?
Wilma de Groot presented the ORET project in Kenya and explained the objectives of the project and the achievements so far.
On Saturday afternoon a social program was organised whereby participants could choose between a trip to Lake Naivasha and Hell’s Gate National Park or Lake Nakuru and Nakuru National Park. Both trips were fascinating and well received by the participants.