Together with our partners Kokon Architects, DAI and Zamani, MeduProf-S finalized a feasibility study for…
Training Maintenance Medical Equipment in Winneba Trauma & Specialist Hospital
In the first week of April MeduProf-S expert Roel de Wilde trained the maintenance staff of the Winneba Trauma & Specialist Hospital. In 2015 the staff must be able to take over the first line maintenance activities. Therefor the staff was trained during this week in hands-on sessions to provide for maintenance on medical equipment as suction equipment, ECG patient monitors compressors etc. They also learned to develop a preventive maintenance plan and instructions for end-users. The WHO manuals in these were used for reference. Later this year two more weeks will follow, including a training in maintenance of the facilities.
Participants valued the knowledge and skills brought to them during the training and they enjoyed working with the expert.