Together with our partners Kokon Architects, DAI and Zamani, MeduProf-S finalized a feasibility study for…
MeduProf-S to provide technical assistance for a new hospital in Winneba, Ghana
MeduProf-S will provide the training and support (technical assistance) in a project involving building and equiping a new hospital in Winneba in the Central Region of Ghana. The contract has been awarded to the Dutch company Enraf Nonius under the regulations of ORET. (An ORET program is a program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and supports sustainable investment in infrastructure projects in developing countries.)
MeduProf-S will assist in the development of the hospital facilities, particularly the staff, in order to provide superior quality, comprehensive medical services.
The Winneba District Hospital will move to a location in the vicinity of the Accra Cap Coast Road. It will focus on the treatment of casualties resulting from car accidents that frequently occur on this road. The training and development program is directed at the improvement of the performance of the hospital staff in terms of effective care and efficiency. MeduProf-S will help to create a sustainable situation, specifically by training teachers to continue education of hospital staff during and after the project.
The program consists of training in:
– Ultrasound for obstetrics, gynaecology and the abdomen
– X-ray
– Accident and emergency care nursing
– Paediatric nursing
– Obstetric and Gynaecology nursing
Train the trainers programs and some study visits are included. The program will continue for a period of 4 years starting at the end of 2010.